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[AP Physics 1] 題目解析-Rotational motion-1
A merry-go-round of radius R. shown in the figure, is rotating at constant speed. The friction in its bearing is so small that it can be ignored. A sandbag of mass m is dropped onto the merry-go-round, at a position designated by r. The sandbag does not slip or roll upon contact with the merry-go-round. -
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2019年8月托福TOEFL iBT改版重點整理(下)- 考題與時間調整
上一篇我們講到2019年8月起,托福會有MyBest Scores的計分方式,今天要來談談試題本身的調整。 -
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2019年8月托福TOEFL iBT改版重點整理(上): MyBest Scores
第一個變化是成績單上會多一個MyBest Scores,是過去2年內該考生各科最高成績的加總: -
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[AP Physics 1] 題目解析-Rotational motion-5
Six roller-coaster carts pass over the same semicircular "bump." The mass M of each cart (including passenger) and the normal force n of the track on the cart at the top of each bump are given in the figures. -
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[AP Physics 1] 題目解析-Rotational motion-4
A roller-coaster track has six semicircular "dips" with different radii of curvature. The same roller-coaster cart rides through each dip at a different speed. -
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[AP Physics 1] 題目解析-Rotational motion-3
A small car of mass m and a large car of mass 4m drive along a highway at constant speed. They approach a curve of radius R. Both cars maintain the same acceleration a as they travel around the curve. How does the speed of the small car vS compare to the speed of the large car vL as they round the curve? -
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[AP Physics 1] 題目解析-Rotational motion-2
Six artificial satellites circle a space station at constant speed. The mass m of each satellite, distance L from the space station, and the speed v of each satellite are listed below. The satellites fire rockets that provide the force needed to maintain a circular orbit around the space station. The gravitational force is negligible. -
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學好物理你該做好的幾件事 (一)
其實,物理想要拿高分是有訣竅的...... -
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物理、悟理 #1- 物理好難懂怎麼辦
但我總是一貫的回覆:跟著觀念走就不難! -
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物理、悟理#2 - mass and weight
Webb,質量是甚麼? 重量是甚麼?
Webb,感覺這都在說一個東西重不重阿? -
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【AP教室】淺談AP Computer Science及其應用
計算機科學(computer science)為時下熱門的學科,在科技爆炸性發展的時代,學會編寫程式已經是一種趨勢。 -
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《AP Calculus》A plane flies horizontally at an altitude....Find the rate of the plan travels at some time
A plane flies horizontally at an altitude of 5 km and passes directly over a tracking telescope on the ground. When the angle of elevation is π/3, this angle is decreasing at a rate of π/6 rad/min. How fast is the plane traveling at that time?